Good morning

Good morning! Happy New Year everyone.

You know what TWO of my favorite words are in the English language? GOOD. MORNING.

I’ve been practicing saying those two words a bit over the past couple of years.

When I first started this practice, I was just making sure those were the first two words I spoke to anyone on any given day. Granted, it got a little weird when it was late afternoon and the person would say back, as if to correct me, “Good AFTERNOON.”

So, I started saying it instead, in the mirror, after getting up out of bed in the morning. When I eventually realized the power it was giving me, I started doing it as soon as I’d wake up in the morning. In bed. Still laying there before reaching for my phone or before any other work thoughts started creeping into my head.

What I love about this simple phrase is its subtleness in power, its completeness in its simplicity. It’s the ultimate daily affirmation.

We say it to someone else almost instinctively as a civility: a small, momentary wish to a passerby, a morning ice-breaker to a coworker, almost like a simple "word breakfast" we serve to one another in order to set our mood for the day ahead. Half the time, we don’t even know we’re doing it.

This morning, in this new year, I invite you to explore the power of those two simple words. For yourself! That's' right, tell YOURSELF good morning. It might feel a little strange at first, but, that’s OK. You’re going to say it multiple times anyway as soon as you walk out the front door, so why not get a little practice in before you leave?

Say it first thing when you wake up. Before looking at your phone and answering that first text or email, before looking over at someone else in the bed to see if they’re even still breathing. Find a quick moment to open your mouth and speak those two words, out loud. "Good morning."

What you’ll find, even in the slightest of ways, is that you’re setting an intention for how you approach the day, and how the day shall unfold and deliver itself to you. You’re commanding --insisting, in fact -- that the simplest and most straightforward form of positivity --- that is, GOOD -- shall manifest itself. You’re also acknowledging the moment in time when all of this is to occur: right here, right now, in this moment. MORNING.

From that moment forward, throughout the remaining hours of the early day, whenever you hear this phrase spoken by anyone else (and, YOU will), you’ll receive a bit more power and intention behind that greeting. Instinctively, you’ll say it right back to them.

When you do, remember THAT POWER that appeared when you first said it to yourself first thing in the morning and deliver a little bit of THAT energy right back to them when you reply with those same two words.

Watch the spark that appears in their eyes and the smile that inches up their face when you do.

I hope this little moment of zen helps get your New Year started off right. Happy New year to you all, and to everyone a… Good Morning!